Sunday, February 6, 2011

Model United Nation

This is the most recent activity that I have taken on. I joined because i wanted to further develop my debating skills and also my skills in retrieving information of a case study. I also wanted to learn about a various amount of world issues and I wanted to see if I have what it takes to find "peaceful" or effective solutions to these problems.
I have learnt a lot in this activity, firstly I learnt how to have a clean discussion a debate instead of having an argument which would just raise more issues. It pushed me to my limit of thinking because in UN debates you have to be as peaceful to all sides rather than just your own. The solutions also have to be affective as possible and as less cost affective as possible.
This activity help me understand the problems that the UN may have when they try to find solutions.
In the activity we also learn that not everything the UN do is correct and a lot of the time doesn't benefit in the long term, this just creates more issues in the future.
Because I've had experience in public speaking the task of presenting the issue was fairly easy for me but when it came to debating my problems were clear. It was very difficult for me to learn how to debate effectively and put down my opinion without having to be aggressive about it. So this also taught me how to be patient and how to listen so that i can counter the argument presented to me by the other debaters.

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